Recipes For Life

Leksands Gästhem – Ekologiskt Inspirerat boende i Leksand, Dalarna. Boende i en levande jordbruksbygd, med närhet till skog, vildmark och golf. Boka Idag! 0247-13700

Dreaming of my own Greenhouse

I’m spending my Friday evening getting some inspiration for our new green house. We were going to get a polytunnel, but after some appalling customer service, we have decided to build our greenhouse from old windows to get us going.

Here’s some inspiration pictures:

All we need now are more old windows, so if any of you have got any laying around let us know!

Have a great Friday evening peeps.

Leksands Gästhem Bed and Breakfast: Ekologiskt boende

Cyber Booking

I must admit, I much prefer it when our guests call and book. It is much more personal, and you can get a better feel for what the guest wants from his trip.

However, I understand that some people like everything to be done and dusted within a few clicks. So when ‘’ called us and asked if we would like to become available on their system, I relented and said yes. So, for all you cyber lovers, we are available to book online via and  Here are some pictures that I am currently uploading onto the system.

Leksands Gästhem Bed and Breakfast: ekologiskt boende

Floating Away

Leksand is lucky enough to have its very own ‘Floating’ spa, Alternativhälsan, and we at Leksands Gästhem are even luckier as it has now moved from central Leksand, to just a few hundred meters away from us.

I have of course taken the opportunity to try out this floating experience, and I love it all ready. Today was my second session, and I have booked ten of them. I won’t go into all the details of what floating is good for, you can read about it here, but basically it can help with stress, muscle aches and pains, sleep problems, and it boosts your immune system amongst other things. You lie back on the salt water (enabling you to float) for 45 minutes, it is a very relaxing experience. I did however experience a pain in my upper back and neck, which was my body apparently seeking out the areas where I need attention (I have always had neck problems, so it would be great if it helps this). The first 3 times you float should ideally be within the same week, and then you float regularly at which ever time interval suits you best. I plan to float every couple of weeks.

Luckily for our guests here at Leksands Gästhem, we have a working partnership with Alternativhälsan and can offer our guests a generous discount.

If you live in Leksand I can highly recommend giving this treatment a try. And if you are a guest planning to come and stay with us, I also recommend giving this a try, just state that you would like to book a session when you book your room with us.

Leksands Gästhem Bed and Breakfast: ekologiskt boende

Happy Easter

Leksands Gästhem: Ekologiskt boende


The weekend is finally here! And sunny it is too. Fabulous. I think our time will be spent mostly in the garden.

So, what have we been up to this week?  Well, one thing that we are excited about is that we have been accepted into the WWOOF scheme. It is a scheme that works predominately with farms, so we were unsure if we would fit the criteria. But when we told them about our ‘Recipes for Life’ concept, they were more than happy to have us on board. So what is the WWOOF scheme? You can read about it on their website here, but briefly it is a scheme for people who want to come and work for farms etc learning about organic and sustainable ways of farming and producing food. In exchange for room and board, WWOOFers work a set amount of time per day. It is a great initiative, and almost worldwide. I was introduced to the scheme last year whilst attending a course by Kevin Jarvis from Earthway experience. He had WWOOFers helping him out all summer, and I thought the idea was wonderful. If you are ever in the Mora area I highly recommend a visit to Kevins natural retreat. It’s the kind of place we love. Kevin and his WWOOFers are building a fully sustainable collective that grows their own food and generate their own electricity amongst other things.

We have also been trying to get some of our seeds planted. I think I have gone a bit crazy with the amount of seed I bought, but it is so much fun, and I want to give everything a try! We have also ordered our polytunnel, and hope for it to arrive within the next few weeks.

Today if you are in Leksand don’t miss the ‘EkoBazaar’ at Studiefrämjandet.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Leksands Gästhem: Ekologiskt Boende

Våran ‘Recipes for Life’ Filosofi

Jag tänkte dela med mig av lite info som vi hade med i helgen på vårt öppet hus. Vi hade några informationsblad som alla kunde läsa, här kommer ett av dem:


‘Recipes for Life’ är egentligen ett sätt att tänka.

Vi tycker att det är viktigt att tänka på hur man påverkar jorden, miljön, och så klart sig själv. Om du tar hand om din kropp, din familj och ditt hem på det bästa sättet man kan göra, alltså att du tänker på vad du stoppar in i kroppen och hur den blir påverkad av det, och vad du stoppar in i dit hem och hur det då påverkar din miljö. Då oftast behöver du inte tänka extra på miljön i övrigt, för det som är bäst för dig och dit hem, är oftast det som är bäst för hela omvärlden.

‘Recept’ gäller inte bara mat. Det gäller allt som man har något mönster för i livet. Det kan vara ett recept för hur man omvandlar en gammal klänning till en ny väska. Eller bygger nya bebisens säng med gammalt fint virke från Farfar’s lada. Eller målat om Mormors slitna kökssoffa så den passar i ditt färgglada kök. Det kan vara allt! Sådant här har vi alltid gjort hemma, och nu är det vår dröm att kunna dela med oss lite idéer till andra.

Ekoturism för mig, handlar inte bara om att få ner vattenförbrukningen, eller att hitta på en bra miljövänlig värmelösning. Det handlar om de små roliga saker som man kan visa folk att de kan göra där hemma också. Odla lite mer, bli lite mer självförsörjande, kanske ha bin, eller varfor inte några kaniner för eget kött. Det finns så mycket roligt och inspirerande runt omkring oss, ta vara på det!

Mitt mål är att våra gäster inte bara får ett boende som de är nöjd med, men att de blir inspirerade och kanske till och med får en idé som de kan uppfylla hemma. Tänk vad kul det skulle vara att inspirera andra! Jag blir så inspirerad av så många och så mycket. Låt glädjen och kreativiteten spridas!

Leksands Gästhem Bed & Breakfast: ekologiskt boende

A great start to ‘Future Week’

Firstly, thank you to all who came to our open house! I really thought that we would be sitting here all by ourselves (you never know who reads the local advertising). But there were nearly 30 people who came. And a thank you to those who came early and helped me fix some last minute things too.

Everyone enjoyed our home made scones and lemon curd, some partook in our little ‘tipspromenad’ (a ‘walking’ quiz). And everyone was interested in our plans for the future. This week I’ve decided that I’ll write a bit more about what we actually have got planned for the future in the blog, so keep your eyes peeled.

I did plan to take a lot of photos, but really only got round to taking a few, but here they are anyway.

There are a host of things left for people to do as part of Framtidsveckan (Future week). Check out the breakdown of activities here.

Happy Sunday everyone.

Leksands Gästhem Bed and Breakfast: ekologiskt boende


‘Future Week’ is soon upon us here in this part of the world. The concept being, what can we do to achieve a more sustainable and eco friendly future? This is just the kind of stuff we love. If you’re local you can read more about it here.

As part of this initiative local businesses have the opportunity to offer the public inspiration and ideas. We will be opening our doors on Sunday 10th of April between 14 – 15 to tell people more about our plans for the future. We will be serving afternoon tea, you are all of course welcome.

There are loads of activities planned, see press for details closer to the event. I think there are plans to send more information out to residents here in Leksand in the post too.

Hopefully see you at one of the many events.

Leksands Gästhem Bed and Breakfast: ekologiskt boende

Be social with your media!

Yesterday was our 4th meeting with our ‘Kurbits‘ group. Always inspirational, and sends me home with many new ideas and ‘must do’s’ in my head. This time Annethe Andersson from ByTekla gave us a great presentation on the importance of using social media as a form of branding and marketing. Which of course gave me a push to start blogging and facebooking more. I have been fairly slack recently with both, and she reminded us how effective and low cost this really is. So I’m giving myself a little push today. From now on I will be a frequent blogger and FB’er! 😉 So as a reminder to all of you out there with your own business’ and low budgets for marketing etc….. lets be more social with our media! After all, it is free (well, of course you have to factor in your own time, which we all know we have too little of). Get blogging, FBing, twittering, hey why not even attempt to make your own iphone app? I might even give this a go.

See you all in cyberspace!

Leksands Gästhem Bed and Breakfast: ekologiskt boende

Slaget Om Siljan

This is our first weekend when we are at full capacity! Exciting, but a little nervy too.

The reason we are full is ‘Slaget on Siljan‘, which seemed to fill all hotels way before christmas. Amazing what a bit of competitive sport can do huh?!

What is ‘Slaget om Siljan’? Well, briefly it is an outdoor hockey match between the two old rivals Leksand and Mora. Leksand want to break their previous audience record of 12,479, and it’s pretty safe to say they have achieved this. I should point out that this outdoor arena has been built purely for this match only, ALOT of work has gone in to making this happen. And I’m sure a lot of fun will be had by everyone attending.

It is also Leksands winter festival at the moment. Which is also a great reason to visit Leksand this weekend.

I hope everyone that is attending has a great time!

Leksands Gästhem Bed and Breakfast: ekologiskt boende